Saturday, September 26, 2015

It’s Okay to Use your Heart, But Don’t Forget to Bring your Mind with you

Love feels good like a heaven, but hurts like hell, right? I don’t know… I’ve never fall in love yet so how should I know? I always use my mind. Just kidding, I don’t want to look like a hypocrite here…I knew most of us have been through like this and done those. But the question is how often we commit the same mistake? How much we learn about those or from that if ever you’re such a strong person? I’m sure we did it more than once. But let me tell you something about my experience, you might get something from this blog entry on how did I become who I am right now? as Zept.

During my first few days in America, I thought that everything is good, all of the things I wanted there are the things that I dreamed and came true, but I realize everything is just a way to make me get over to some nightmares that I’ll just about to experience…..wait a minute, why are we talking about me? I supposed to discuss the title of this blog entry so people, I’m very sorry but I need to cut this paragraph.

Love is such a powerful thing I can say, why? Because I observe how people or we can be stupid about it, no matter how much we’ve got hurt by someone that have been bullshitting us…we still tend to open our doors for them, even if we forgive them many times already they still tend to abused our kindness, and these bullshits never appreciate it, but the question is does things have to be always like this? How long we can manage to forgive? I feel great for those people who learned their lesson and didn’t make the same mistake again.

Everyday there is always a conflict between the heart and the mind, I’m just wondering why heart always wins over mind? Every time you’re in a situation, why do you always base your decisions on your feelings? Instead of doing what must be done? Now I realize, why?

Because there are things that only a Heart can tell better than Mind,
Because there are things that only a Heart can do better than Mind,
Because there are things that only a Heart knows better than Mind,
And there are only things that a Heart can remember.

Love does not only include relationships, it also includes friends, families, objects, other things and yourself. You don’t need to push yourself in to something that will not be worth it near the future and will just leave you broken. We are the ones responsible to our own happiness, if some people don’t want to give it to us, then we will give it to ourselves, because at the end of the day, it’s only ourselves that will always be with us. It’s okay giving love to others but don’t forget to always leave some or if possible more for yourself, you might have a heart, but remember you also have your mind, there are some things that you need that only a mind can give better than heart.

Knowledge a thing you need for passing college.


  1. this is so amazing :) i love how you write it :)

  2. it's true, i agree with this! it's great to be good but we must have a limit.

  3. this is so true it's okay if we use our hearts in loving people but we need to make sure not to forget to use our minds also.
